PARSLEY – Medicinal Uses
Last Updated on June 3, 2023
Parsley may possibly be considered the world’s most popular herb and, as you can imagine, has quite a long history. From the Apiaceae family, parsley is native to the central Mediterranean region, but it is also widely cultivated around the globe. The parsley plant is a relative to celery, and its name is actually derived from the Ancient Greek word petrosélinon which means “rock celery.”
Historically, the medicinal uses of parsley were popular long before it was considered to have culinary benefits. In fact, it was so sacred to the ancient Greeks that they used it to adorn victors of athletic contests and in decorating the tombs of the deceased. The esteem this herb cultivated is not too surprising when you take a closer look…
Parsley as a Vitamin Source
The vitamin content in parsley alone is definitely worth taking note of. For instance, Parsley has twice the amount of iron as spinach and has three times the vitamin C of an orange.
Parsley also contains 574% of the daily recommended value of vitamin K, which is associated with promoting bone health since it helps to improve calcium absorption and reduce urinary excretion of calcium. In addition, since it may limit neuronal damage in the brain, researchers are exploring the role vitamin K may play in the treatment and possible prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
Parsley as a Natural Detox Aid
Parsley also helps restore digestion, supports the liver, kidneys, spleen, and adrenal glands; purifies blood and body fluids, helps the body’s defense mechanisms, and chokes negative microorganisms. When detoxing, studies have shown that parsley root is liver protective and helps modulate blood sugar levels. You may not be surprised to see it as an ingredient in Jon Barron’s Liver Flush Tea. It is also great for immune system support.
Parsley as a Diuretic
An important diuretic, parsley root also helps aid in the removal of uric acid from the urinary tract and helps dissolve and expel gallstones and gravel — and helps put a stop to their future formation. The German Commission E, an advisory panel on herbal medicines, has even approved parsley for use in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones. These are a few of the reasons you’ll find it as an ingredient in Jon Barron’s KGP Flush formula, a natural formula that helps relieve the symptoms of kidney stones and gallstones.
Parsley Reduces Allergy Symptoms
If you’re an allergy sufferer, it’s good to note that parsely also inhibits the secretion of histamine and is therefore useful in addressing hives and reducing other allergy symptoms.
Parsley for Preventing Cancer
Parsley may also play a role in fighting or preventing cancer. This herb is among the foods that contains the highest concentration of the flavonol myricetin, which has been shown to have chemopreventive effects on skin cancer. In addition, parsley contains another natural chemical, apigenin, that in a recent study was found to decrease tumors in an aggressive form of human breast cancer.
Parsley as a Natural Weight Loss Aid
A decoction of parsley root can help with bloating and induce natural weight loss by eliminating excess water gain. Parsley can also be used to aid in weight loss as a replacement flavoring for ingredients such as salt or sugar.
More Health Benefits of Parsley
And if that’s not enough, according to WebMD, parsley has also been used for:
- urinary tract infections
- gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
- constipation
- jaundice
- intestinal gas
- indigestion
- colic
- diabetes
- asthma
- fluid retention (edema)
- osteoarthritis
- anemia
- high blood pressure
- prostate conditions
- spleen conditions
- starting menstrual flow
- an aphrodisiac
- a breath freshener
And finally, parsley has been used as an expectorant and therapy for bronchial cough, as well as addressing bone and joint complaints.
How to Use Parsley
Parsley can be used in a variety of ways; fresh is preferred for its superior flavor, and can even be grown in your garden. It’s been used in rubs, salads, soups, sauces, and even in juicing.
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